Worker Injured Due To Subcontractor Failing To Mark Safe Zones

A dogman engaged as a subcontractor was recently found guilty of failing to establish an exclusion zone which resulted in a worker being hit by the load of the crane and a fine of $16,000.

Tiny Houses: Different Requirements For Mobile And Stationary Builds

In Australia, there are no specific regulations relating to tiny houses specifically. If a tiny house is built as a transportable dwelling it is typically exempt from BCA requirements.

Nominee Supervisors: Responsibilities And Risks

Businesses and companies utilise a “nominee supervisor” which serves as a supervisor role within the business. As the nominated supervisor, you are responsible for the supervision and oversight of the plumbing work that takes place within the business and any breach of the relevant laws and regulations.

New Employee And Employer Definition

The Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes No. 2) Act 2024, also known as the Closing Loopholes No. 2 Act, has been passed and brings about changes to the Fair Work Act, in defining the terms "employee" and "employer."

QBuild Trade Contractor Arrangements – Statewide Opportunities

The Queensland Government, acting through the Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works (DHLGPPW), QBuild, is seeking to establish a Standing Offer Arrangement (SOA) for Plumbing Trade Contractor Services across metropolitan, regional and remote areas of Queensland.

PVC Recycling Scheme Expands To 40 Locations Across Queensland

Phase three of the Construction Plastics Recycling Scheme was launched on 19 April 2024, which marks an expansion of the Scheme to more areas across Queensland. The expansion aims to continue raising awareness, educating, and inspiring action on how organisations can reduce waste going to landfill by recycling PVC off-cuts.

Water Leak – Plumber or Insurance? Part 2

If a client rings again after you've repaired a water leak in their home, is it plumber or insurance jurisdiction?

Government Expands Construction Plastics Recycling Scheme

Government grants $150,000 to MPAQ to expand the Construction Plastics Recycling Scheme

Did You Know You Have Home Warranty Insurance Obligations As A Trade Contractor?

As a QBCC licensed contractor it is compulsory for you to participate in the Queensland Home Warranty Scheme, which is a not-for-profit insurance scheme funded through premium payments and administered by the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC).