Terms & Conditions

The following terms and conditions apply specifically to members joining the MPAQ Business Leaders Group, in addition to the standard terms and conditions associated with MPAQ membership. By joining the MPAQ Business Leaders Group, you agree to the following:

  1. Payment of Membership Fees

    • I/we agree to pay the annual fee for the MPAQ Business Leaders Group, set at $300 (excluding GST).

    • Payment must be made in full prior to the first scheduled meeting date to confirm and finalise membership to the group.

    • This fee is additional to any existing MPAQ membership fees.

  2. Continuation of Contracting MPAQ Membership

    • I/we acknowledge that membership of the MPAQ Business Leaders Group is conditional upon maintaining an active and financial Contracting MPAQ membership.

    • Should the Contracting MPAQ membership lapse, membership in the MPAQ Business Leaders Group will be suspended until the Contracting MPAQ membership is reinstated.

  3. Use of Association Logos

    • I/we acknowledge that the Association permits the display of the Association logo to signify the Company's membership of both the Association and the MPAQ Business Leaders Group.

    • Use of the Association logo must adhere to the rules and regulations set out by the Association.

By joining the MPAQ Business Leaders Group, I/we confirm understanding and acceptance of these additional terms and conditions.

Full MPAQ Membership Terms and Conditions

MPAQ Platinum Corporate Supporters

ZIP - Platinum Corporate Supporter
Tradelink - Platinum Corporate Supporter
RWC - Platinum Corporate Supporter
Kembla  - Platinum Corporate Supporter
Toyota - Platinum Corporate Supporter
TSTCA - Platinum Corporate Supporter
CAROMA - Platinum Corporate Supporter
Reece - Platinum Corporate Supporter
WFI - Platinum Corporate Supporter
Ampol - Platinum Corporate Supporter
Austbrokers Comsure - Platinum Corporate Supporter
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