Resume Listings
Are you looking for work in the plumbing and gas industry? Whether you’re looking to start an apprenticeship or you’re a fully qualified plumber or gasfitter looking to make a change, MPAQ can help with getting your details out to our member database.
Please note: resumes will remain active for two months.
If you’re an employer looking for the right employee, check out the people below looking to start a career with you!
MPAQ does not take responsibility for the skills and experience of the below applicants. MPAQ does not vet the resumes prior to posting and it is up to the business owner to undertake any necessary checks.
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Ipswich, Gold Coast, Fraser Coast, Sunshine Coast, Brisbane North, Brisbane South, Bundaberg, Central, Central Highlands, Country, Far North Qld, Mackay, North Qld, Toowoomba, Outside Queensland