Welcome to MPAQ's dedicated page on Work Health and Safety (WHS) support and services for the plumbing, drainage, and gas industry.
At MPAQ, we understand the paramount importance of maintaining a safe and secure work environment in the plumbing and gasfitting professions. This page outlines how we're committed to ensuring the well-being of our members and the broader industry through comprehensive WHS resources and services.
The plumbing, drainage, and gas industry is vital to society, ensuring clean water supply, efficient drainage, and safe gas distribution. However, it also presents unique challenges and hazards. Check out some of our WHS resources and services below, which are designed to address these challenges head-on, keeping our industry professionals safe and thriving.

WHS Resources
Master Plumbers' Safety
Master Plumbers' Safety is a cloud-based workplace health and safety (WHS) management system designed to provide MPAQ members with a clear, quick and compliant system to manage WHS in their businesses.
Click here to login or register
Codes of Practice
Codes of practice support the Work Health Safety Act and Regulation by giving practical advice on how to meet your work health and safety responsibilities.
Click here for more information
Managing Hazardous Manual Tasks Onsite
In collaboration with WorkCover Queensland, Toolbox Talk resources were developed to focus on robust risk controls, including consultative work design and development of engineering solutions.
Managing Psychosocial Hazards in the Modern Workplace
The new WorkSafe Queensland Code of Practice relating to managing the risk of psychological or psychosocial hazards at work came into effect on 1 April 2023. As an employer, it’s your obligation to protect your employees’ physical and psychological health.
Watch this webinar with HR Assured's Head of Safety, Adrian Turner, where he answers some of the most pressing questions about psychosocial hazards: what they are, the early warning signs, and how you can protect your people from psychological injuries at work and your business from the organisational WHS risks that arise as a result.
Watch the webinar
Managing First Aid Obligations in the Plumbing Industry
The WHS Act mandates a number of obligations on employers in the management of First Aid in the workplace – but it is often difficult to decipher exactly what is mandatory and what is a ‘nice to have’ in relation to First Aid. Watch this webinar with Citation Safety to better understand how you can manage your first aid obligations in your workplace.
Watch the webinar
Some recommended first aid kits providers:
WHS Advice
Members get access to WHS advice as part of their membership. If you have questions regarding WHS compliance and legislation, or if you need help navigating MPAQ Safety, contact the MPAQ Advisory Team by calling us on 07 3273 0800 or sending an email to advice@mpaq.com.au.