
MPAQ is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) offering accredited and non-accredited courses. We assist plumbing contractors with their ongoing professional development commitment. Contact MPAQ Training Services on 07 3273 0800 or email

Save over $2,300 on training!

MPAQ members (excluding associate retired and associate apprentices) are eligible for a discount on MPAQ courses. In order to access this discount, you must fulfil one of the following eligibility requirements:

  • You must be a full contracting member for at least one year if paying for membership monthly; or 
  • You must pay for your membership upfront for one year. 

Click here for more information

If you have any questions about these requirements, please contact the MPAQ membership team on 07 3273 0800. 

MPAQ Platinum Corporate Supporters

TSTCA - Platinum Corporate Supporter
Toyota - Platinum Corporate Supporter
Austbrokers Comsure - Platinum Corporate Supporter
CAROMA - Platinum Corporate Supporter
Reece - Platinum Corporate Supporter
WFI - Platinum Corporate Supporter
RWC - Platinum Corporate Supporter
ZIP - Platinum Corporate Supporter
Kembla  - Platinum Corporate Supporter
Tradelink - Platinum Corporate Supporter
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