
MPAQ offers a broad range of services, products, and support with the objective of protecting community health and the environment through professional plumbing services. Our members are individuals or companies engaged in the installation and maintenance of gas, water reticulation and irrigation systems, fire protection services, heating and cooling, mechanical services/air conditioning systems, sanitary disposal, drainage, metal roofing, wall cladding, and other plumbing services. Below is a summary of the core services that we provide to our members and their businesses.

Become an MPAQ Member Today!

Already an MPAQ member? Make sure you're logged into the webste and visit your dashboard to access these services. Click here to login.

Industry Representation

Your Trade. Your Association. Your Voice.

MPAQ has the vision, commitment, strength, and determination to:

  • Be a united voice on plumbing industry issues;
  • Provide excellent quality membership services; and
  • Promote and recognise outstanding plumbing industry standards whilst simultaneously targeting undesirable plumbing practices.

Our significant membership base means that we have political and lobbying strength, as well as the ability to advocate policy to all key stakeholders. We are also in a position to highlight the pivotal role that plumbing professionals play in the living standards of all Australians. We are committed to regional member representation, and as such have a strategic focus of engagement with all of our members throughout Queensland. By working from a regional to a state structure, MPAQ is able to build on our members’ needs, and ensure that their input is heard. MPAQ also develops and advocates policy recognising the importance of the plumbing industry to all Queenslanders. We steadfastly communicate the views and policies of our members by actively contributing to enquiries and forums that impact on the plumbing sector.

Boards and Committees

MPAQ represents our members on the following boards and committees:

  • Service Trades Council – Chair
  • Services Trades Licensing Advisory Panel – Deputy Chair
  • QLeave – Portable long service leave – Director
  • Construction Skills Queensland – Director
  • Services Trades College – Director
  • Master Plumbers Australia – Director and Alternate Director
  • Plumbing Codes committee
  • Various Standards committees
  • QBCC stakeholder Advisory Committee
  • Small Business Industry Stakeholder Committee
  • Ministerial Construction Council – Member
  • Ministerial Energy Council
  • Australian Building Codes Board – Director
HR & WHS Advisory Services

With MPAQ's Advisory Services, contracting members can talk to our experienced team of employment relations experts for support and information specific to your plumbing or gas business.

Whether it's an urgent HR crisis or you're just needing simple day-to-day workplace advice, you'll get in-depth advice specific to the situation at hand. Here is everything you can get support on from our Advisory Team:

  • Wages and Awards 
  • Leave and other entitlements
  • Relationship and performance management
  • Employer termination and employee resignation
  • WorkCover requirements
  • Bullying, harassment, and equal opportunity
  • Updates and changes in employment legislation
  • Employment contracts
  • WHS matters

NOTE: Contractor sole operator members of MPAQ have limited access to our Advisory services. When you are ready to hire any full-time tradespeople or apprentices, it will be necessary to update your membership to get full HR support.

Wages and Awards

Do you know the minimum standards and conditions for employees? Do you understand the intricacies and requirements of a subcontractor vs. employee arrangement?

We are here to provide wages advice and assistance in interpreting Awards and clauses, including, but not limited to the:

  • Plumbing and Fire Sprinklers Award;
  • Building and Construction General On-site Award;
  • Clerks – Private Sector Award; and
  • General Retail Industry Award.
Leave and Other Entitlements

Employees can take leave for many reasons, including going on holiday, because they are sick, or to take care of sick family members. Are you across all the entitlements your workers should get?

Minimum entitlements for employees come from the National Employment Standards (NES). An award, registered agreement, or contract of employment can provide for other entitlements, but they can’t be less than what’s in the NES.

Whether its annual leave, personal leave, superannuation, penalty rates, workers compensation, or flexible working arrangements, MPAQ’s team can ensure you are meeting all your NES requirements.

Relationship Management

The fundamental goal of performance management is to promote and improve employee effectiveness. It is a continuous process where managers and employees work together to plan, monitor, and review an employee's work objectives or goals and his or her overall contribution to the organisation. Managing employees also means you need to have a clear understanding of the following:

  • Recruitment and how to retain quality employees
  • Reviewing and drafting of employment contracts and policies and procedures
  • Coaching on performance management and disciplinary matters
  • What is considered workplace bullying and discrimination, and how to address it
  • Steps to termination or redundancy of employment
  • How to avoid or deal with Fair Work issues like unfair dismissal claims
Enterprise Agreements

On 1 July 2009, the various types of collective and individual workplace agreements that existed under the previous workplace relations system were replaced by a single type of agreement: an 'enterprise agreement'. This is simply an agreement between one or more national system employers and their employees, as specified in the agreement. Enterprise agreements are negotiated by the parties through collective bargaining in good faith, primarily at the enterprise level. Under the Fair Work Act 2009, an enterprise can mean any kind of business, activity, project or undertaking.

Work Health and Safety

Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) laws require a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of their workers while at work in the business or undertaking.

MPAQ can provide guidance on a range of topics related to WHS. Members can also access Master Plumbers' Safety - a cloud-based WHS management system designed to provide industry with a clear, quick, and compliant system to manage WHS in their businesses. With the system, you can:

  • Generate personalised SWMS tailored to your work in under 5 minutes.
  • Save up to $2,784 a year on annual fees.
  • Manage WHS on the go - on site, on the road, and on your phone.

Click here to find out more

Mental Health

For many years, suicide prevention and mental health have been seen predominantly as home issues that come to work. Because of this thinking, anything around mental health in construction was viewed by many as a side issue:

“We want people to be well and we did stuff on RUOK day but what else are we supposed to do—people need to take some personal responsibility!”

Mental Health is a safety issue, so we need to view it with a safety lens.

MPAQ works closely with MATES in Construction to promote the importance of mental health in our industry.

If you or someone you know needs help, reach out to:

  • MATES in Construction 1300 642 111
  • Lifeline 13 11 14
  • Beyondblue 1300 224 636
Industry Specific Contracts

Whether you’re building a house, carrying out a renovation, or you just need a written agreement between you and your subcontractors, MPAQ members can purchase digital contracts in the MPAQ Online Shop.

The MPAQ Plumbing Specific contracts have been created in conjunction with Cornwalls Law with plumbers in mind. They have undergone extensive industry consultation and testing to ensure they are specifically suited for plumbers in Queensland and New South Wales.

To view the full list of MPAQ Plumbing Specific Contracts, click here.

Employment Contracts

MPAQ have a suite of employment contract templates available for members only.

These templates provide an extended range of important employment related information to help you in managing your employer-employee relationship. The templates have been developed to cover full time, part time and casual employees, and cover tradespersons and clerical.

Click here to access more information about employment contracts.

Dispute Resolution

When running a business, disputes can be common and often challenging to avoid. As a MPAQ member, you have access to resources and a team of specialist staff on your side.

MPAQ offers assistance and if required, representation, when disputes arise with builders, contractors, clients, employees, customers, or other parties. MPAQ will discuss the options available to resolve a disagreement or problem before it turns into a situation that requires a formal dispute management process.

If joint agreement can't be reached, the matter may be referred to one of the following:

  • Queensland Building and Construction Commission
  • Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
  • Adjudication Registry
  • The courts
Industry Relevant Training

MPAQ is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) offering accredited and non-accredited industry leading courses. MPAQ’s courses are designed, developed, and delivered by expert plumbing and business professionals to assist plumbing contractors with their ongoing professional development.

MPAQ members (excluding associate retired and associate apprentices) are eligible for a discount on MPAQ courses.


Professional Networking Events

MPAQ holds various events throughout the year to provide valuable opportunities for the industry to develop professionally, make valuable connections with other industry individuals, advance themselves and their businesses, and have a voice with industry stakeholders.

Interested in becoming a partner on an event? Contact the MPAQ Events team on 07 3273 0800 or email

View upcoming events

The MPAQ Technical Services team consists of licensed and experienced professionals who provide advice on legislation, regulations, and standards and are available to provide support when you’re working on a tricky job.

If you are a consumer looking for information on a plumbing issue or just wanting more information on plumbing in Queensland, please visit our Information for Consumers section.

Industry Resources

MPAQ has worked with industry professionals and government to offer a range of plumbing specific resources including:

  • Approved plumbing and drainage forms in digital and printed formats
  • Backflow device testing kits, tags, forms, and procedure cards
  • Plumbing (TMV) testing kits, forms, and tags
  • Personal protective equipment
  • Print and electronic access to industry Standards
  • Business documents and templates

Access to select resources is available in our Online Shop, click here to access.


If you work in the building and construction industry, you may require a licence. The Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) is the industry’s licensing regulator, in charge of issuing and regulating building and construction licence holders in Queensland.

MPAQ can provide assistance when you need a licence, understanding the various licence classes, and the kind of work you can perform for each one.

We can guide you through the application process and once you are an established licence holder, advise you on the requirements you need to meet to maintain your licence currency, including the Minimum Financial Requirements.

Plumbing and Gas Regulations

Laws, codes, and regulations are vital in the plumbing and gas industry. Understanding how they govern the building process, employment relations, health and safety, and disputes is important to ensure the ongoing high standards of the industry.

MPAQ are here to help you understand the requirements and changes of the following:

  • Plumbing and Drainage Act and Regulation
  • Plumbing and Wastewater Code
  • Queensland Development Code
  • Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act and Regulation
  • National Construction Code
  • WaterMark Certification
  • Building Industry Fairness (Security of Payment) Act
  • Queensland Building and Construction Commission Act
MPAQ writes, publishes and shares the latest news and information through our publications, alerts, articles, and media releases. Stay up-to-date with the industry news that’s relevant to you.

Our primary purpose is to provide members with industry-related information and advice, so the majority of our resources and guides are for exclusive member access; however, we do share our quarterly Master Plumber magazine for everyone to access and enjoy.

News and Articles

MPAQ Update

The MPAQ Update contains informative articles and updates on matters concerning the industry and the Association, circulated via email to MPAQ members on a fortnightly basis.

The purpose of the e-newsletter is to ensure MPAQ members are frequently informed of any news that is impactful on them and their business. It includes industry changes, upcoming events, advancement opportunities, new product news, alerts on new members benefits, as well as many other types of information.

If you are an MPAQ member and are not currently receiving these updates, please email or call 07 3273 0800 to receive future updates. 

Master Plumber Magazine

The Master Plumber is a specialist publication providing valuable industry information, with a long-standing reputation of over 60 years as a high class magazine. As an industry specific publication for Queensland, it provides members with independent coverage of news, issues, changes and events which directly and indirectly affect the industry. It also provides a host of information on lifestyle, health, and industry specific events that are engaging and relevant to the readership.

View the Latest Edition

MPAQ Platinum Corporate Supporters

WFI - Platinum Corporate Supporter
ZIP - Platinum Corporate Supporter
Reece - Platinum Corporate Supporter
Toyota - Platinum Corporate Supporter
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