Cyber Security Update: 10 Safety Checks

In keeping with our focus on Cyber Security and ensuring our partners are maintaining the current industry recommendations, we have conducted a list of advisories in order of priority for all businesses of all sizes. The links below are current as of the last 30 days.
Our recommendations below are in order of priority and are in response to the cyber-attacks being reported at present.
- ALL Internet facing systems MUST have Multi Factor Authentication enabled (Office 365, Accounting Systems, Online Banking, HR Systems etc).
- ALWAYS verify requests for the change of bank details. This must be done via phone call using the phone number you have in your system, NOT from an email that you may have received. Hackers are intercepting emails and editing invoices/information with their bank details and contact numbers.
- Monthly Security Awareness training for all staff and include this as part of your internal onboarding for new staff into your business.
- Introduce an Advanced Email Security Platform.
- Introduce a Managed Endpoint Detection and Response (MDR) solution. An MDR is the latest all-round protection for devices and systems and is a 24 x 7 x 365 service (standard anti-virus does not provide complete protection anymore).
- Regular Cyber Security Assessment by an experienced Cyber Security Professional E.g. Penetration testing.
- Align your business with the ACSC recommended Essential Eight Maturity Model Essential Eight Maturity Model FAQ |
- Review and question the requirement for your business to hold any personal data of your staff or clients, as the penalty for serious breaches has been raised to a maximum of $50 million Privacy penalty bill passes house | Our ministers – Attorney-General’s portfolio (
- Review the latest Cyber Threat Report from ACSC - ACSC Annual Cyber Threat Report, July 2021 to June 2022 |
- Review the Australian Institute of Company Directors “Cyber Security Governance Principles” - Cyber Security Governance Principles (
Article written by Daryn Chisholm, of Davichi Assure.