How to properly dispose of heat pump water heaters that contain refrigerant gases

When a heat pump water heater is removed or replaced, what is the proper way to dispose of the old units, which may contain refrigerant gases?
Plumbers performing maintenance on water heaters often replace faulty or malfunctioning units. Old units such as old steel or copper tanks may be easily disposed at the local scrap dealer or tip as there may be scrap value to these units. This isn’t a complicated job as most scrap merchants and tips will take the unit as is, although some will pay a higher scrap value if the case and insulation are removed from the tank prior to scrapping. This is all well and good for your average storage cylinder, but it is not as straightforward with heat pumps.
Heat pumps are comprised of a storage cylinder and refrigeration unit. Some units are integral and some are split (remote) from the cylinder. Either way, the refrigeration unit cannot just be dumped or scrapped since it contains refrigerant gas.
If the heat pump hot water system contains refrigerants which come under the ARCTick licence scheme, then there is a legal obligation for this gas to be recovered by an appropriately licensed person before the systems are discarded or recycled since there is risk for the gas to leak out. The Australian Refrigeration Council (ARC) recommends plumbers to engage an ARC-licensed technician first to recover the gas prior to disposal of the system to a landfill or waste transfer station.
Discharging fluorocarbon refrigerant is illegal under the Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Act 1989 and potential penalties of up to $54,000 for individuals and $270,000 for corporations may apply.
The recovery of the refrigerant gas can be performed by someone with either of the following Refrigerant Handling Licences:
- RRR12 Restricted refrigeration and air-conditioning licence - RAC Recovery
- RSS03 Restricted heat pump – split systems – installation and decommissioning licence:
- RAC01 Full refrigeration and air conditioning licence
There are different types of Refrigerant Handling Licences available, and the type you require will differ depending on what you are working with. Visit the ARC website below for the full list.
Photograph from Stiebel Eltron