QBuild Trade Contractor Arrangements – Statewide Opportunities
The Queensland Government, acting through the Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works (DHLGPPW), QBuild, is seeking to establish a Standing Offer Arrangement (SOA) for Plumbing Trade Contractor Services across metropolitan, regional and remote areas of Queensland – see QBuild locations and map here.
Last year QBuild managed 61.31% (813m) of the total $1.3bn Trade Contractor spend, delivering work in various Government owned and managed buildings such as housing, schools, hospitals, police and fire stations, correctional facilities and general commercial buildings, through the engagement of local Contractors who can demonstrate value for money for the delivery of these works across Queensland.
Type of Works
The works to be delivered under the SOA are generally low value/low risk. The types of works undertaken may include:
- Reactive Maintenance – may also be referred to as responsive or unplanned maintenance and occurs following the failure of a building component that requires rectification. Reactive maintenance works will be issued with a specific priority response time which contractors must meet e.g.
- Required on-site to make safe within one (1), four (4), or twenty-four (24) hours as directed by QBuild
- Required on-site within seven (7), fourteen (14) or thirty (30) days from notification to repair dependent on the works as directed by QBuild.
- Proactive Maintenance – may be referred to as planned maintenance and occurs for all non-urgent maintenance and minor upgrade requests. It may also include programmed works where QBuild undertakes a large program of work by coordinating several related projects and other activities to be delivered over a specific timeframe across one or more locations.
- Housing Vacant Maintenance (Residential sites) - Upon a residential property becoming vacant (or abandoned) by an existing tenant vacant maintenance is required prior to reletting of the property.
- Disaster Management Work - QBuild may undertake recovery works during or after a natural disaster or disruption and may access the SOA to support recovery response.
Description of Services
The scope of services for this SOA includes the installing, commissioning, maintaining testing and reporting plumbing, drainage and gas services and equipment in all classes of buildings and premises, including but not limited to, the following:
• Water services
• Drainage including storm water
• Gas services
• Compressed air, heating, steam, vacuum ventilation systems
• Irrigation
• Metal fascia’s and gutters
• On site domestic wastewater management systems
• Roof and wall cladding
• Skylights
• Fire hydrants, with or without pumps
• Fire hose reels, with or without pumps
What is not covered under this arrangement:
• Supply of materials and equipment (without labour).
Tender Invitation Timeframes (indicative only)
QBTCPL24 QBuild Plumbing Trade Services - Quarter 2 2024
Tender information will be provided at time of tender release, along with specifications and information relating to local industry briefing sessions.
The tender will be advertised statewide, however offers can be submitted based on smaller geographical districts where a contractor can provide an offer for one (1)
or more districts.
Where do I access the tender and submit an offer?
Invitations to Offer (tender) will be advertised on QTenders. You will be required to download the documents from this tender website and submit your offer before the closing date. Please ensure you are registered on QTender via the link here under the relevant category of works to ensure you are notified:
Registering for work with QBuild
QBuild requires all suppliers to be registered prior to commencement of any works. Ensure you are registered through following the instructions in the link below.
Should you have any enquiries about the upcoming works, please contact Wayne Brilley, Manager Strategic Sourcing via QBuildStrategicSourcing@epw.qld.gov.au and include the reference QBTCPL24.
Download the Forward Procurement Schedule PDF below.