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Mackay, Cairns, Toowoomba, Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast, Rockhampton, Fraser Coast, Brisbane, Townsville, Bundaberg, Hervey Bay
Cornwalls is a law firm highly experienced at helping plumbers and other specialist trade contractors with legal issues. Over a thousand contractors have chosen Cornwalls as their law firm of choice.
Cornwalls know and understand the industry and the challenges contractors face. Led by Ian Heathwood, who has over 30 years experience dealing with specialist trade contractors, Cornwalls has the solutions to your legal problems.
Specialty Services
At Cornwalls we can help you with:
- Advice on contractors
- Payment claims, schedules and subcontractor charges
- Workplace health and safety issues
- Employment issues
- Debt collection and insolvency
- Property and commercial transactions
- Intellectual property
- Setting up businesses
- Asset protection
- WorkCover and more
MPAQ Member Benefit
As an MPAQ member you have immediate access to solutions for all your legal and industrial relations problems.
Free legal advice service for members
As a member you can call Cornwalls and receive, free of charge, plain English legal advice for up to 20 minutes, including:
- A preliminary overview of your legal rights and obligations
- Your options and the pros and cons of each
- An explanation of the steps involved
- How long the process can take
- An estimate of the costs
- What action you can take yourself; and
- How to avoid similar problems in the future.
Free solicitors’ letters of demand for members
Members can have Cornwalls send solicitors’ letters of demand to your debtors, free of charge (debts must be over $550 plus GST). You will be pleasantly surprised how often the debts are paid…and how quickly.
To access this service, click below (you must be logged in to see the button):
To access this information, members will need to login using the "Login" button at the top right of this page.Fixed fee offer
Members who buy the work or employment contracts sold through MPAQ are able to have Cornwalls develop special conditions to adapt a standard contract for the member’s particular needs for a fixed fee of $475 plus GST. This price does not apply if the member wants the standard contract substantially adjusted or modified.
Servicing the entire East Coast of Australia, Cornwalls provides practical, no nonsense, expert advice from experienced lawyers who know and understand you.
Call 07 3223 5900 or email
MPAQ Offer Eligibility: This offer is available to Contracting Members only.