
Core Skills Courses
A core skill is a personal attribute that supports situational awareness and enhances an individual's ability to get a job done.

Core skills include a wide variety of communication and people skills, social attitudes, personality traits, and emotional intelligence. These qualities are increasingly important for success in the workplace. Everyone can benefit from focused training and development to help them realise their full potential.

These are online courses only.

Our core skills courses cover the following key areas:

CSQ-Funded Work Health and Safety Courses

MPAQ is a strong advocate of the importance of health and safety in the workplace. These courses have been funded by the Construction Skills Queensland's (CSQ) Small Business Program to help employers ensure the safety of their employees and their business. Eligible businesses can enrol for these courses at no cost:

  • Asbestos Awareness
  • Silica Dust Awareness
  • Cyber Security Awareness
Work Health and Safety Courses

Workplace Health and Safety core skills courses relate to skills and knowledge for the safe execution of tasks in an office or construction environment. The courses include:

  • Asbestos Awareness
  • Silica Dust Awareness
  • Fire Safety
  • Manual Handling 
  • Office Ergonomics
  • Risk Management
  • Working in hot and cold environments 
Business Administration Courses

The business administration core skills courses relate to skills and processes relevant to undertaking business administration. This may include social media etiquette, digital technology, and writing basic workplace documents. The courses include:

  • Cyber Security Awareness
  • Social Media Etiquette
  • Basic Estimating and Calculating at Work
  • Using Digital Technology in the Workplace
  • Basic Workplace Mathematics
  • Writing Basic Workplace Documents
Personal Development Courses

Personal development core skills courses relate to skills required by workers in a business. This may include self development, participating in a learning environment, and using basic reading and writing skills at work. The courses include:

  • Self-Development
  • Prepare for Learning at Work
  • Participate in a Learning Environment 
  • Use Basic Reading and Writing Skills at Work 
Working in a Team Courses

Working in a team core skills courses relate to skills required by workers in a business, specifically in a team environment. This may include communicating, interacting effectively, and how to respond to problems in the workplace. The courses include:

  • How to Respond to Problems in the Workplace
  • Interact Effectively in the Workplace
  • Teamwork
  • Communicating in a professional environment
Course Outcomes
Accordion Container : Core Skills Courses
Course Recognition 

On successful completion of these courses, learners will be issued with a Certificate of Attendance.

Course Fees


Accordion Container : Core Skills Courses - Fees and Subsidies


MPAQ Member Discount

MPAQ members (excluding associate retired and associate apprentices) are eligible for a discount on MPAQ courses. 

In order to access the discount you must fulfil one of the following eligibility requirements:

  • You must be a member for at least one year if paying for membership monthly; or 
  • You must pay for your membership upfront for one year. 
  • Date Time Location

It is strongly recommended to have a current email address and access to a computer with internet. 

The program used for this online training program runs best on a non-Apple device. Please use Chrome as your internet browser where possible.

To enrol, please click the link at the top of this page or click here to download and complete an enrolment form.

If you have any questions, call the MPAQ Training Services team on 07 3273 0800.

Please send completed enrolment forms to


MPAQ Platinum Corporate Supporters

Reece - Platinum Corporate Supporter
ZIP - Platinum Corporate Supporter
Tradelink - Platinum Corporate Supporter
Toyota - Platinum Corporate Supporter
CAROMA - Platinum Corporate Supporter
Kembla  - Platinum Corporate Supporter
Rheem - Platinum Corporate Supporter
WFI - Platinum Corporate Supporter
Ampol - Platinum Corporate Supporter
RWC - Platinum Corporate Supporter
TSTCA - Platinum Corporate Supporter
Austbrokers Comsure - Platinum Corporate Supporter
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