New Codes and Standards Released on 1 September 2022

The new National Construction Code (NCC) is due to be released on 1 September 2022 (this might be delayed until 1 October). The NCC encapsulates the Building Code of Australia (BCA) (volumes one & two) and the Plumbing Code of Australia (PCA) (volume three).
The new PCA 2022 delivers several changes from the 2019 version including new provisions for on-site wastewater management, and a new verification method for sanitary plumbing and drainage pipe sizing. Also, a new verification method for cross-connection control also allows the user to identify a hazard risk by using a simple to follow matrix. Tested extensively across Australia, this Verification Method assists in improving the consistency of installations across all jurisdictions and remove the frustration often seen in the past.
With the adoption of the new PCA 2022, new versions of standards will also come into effect as “referenced documents”, some of these include:
- AS/NZS3500:2021 Series
- AS 2419: 2021 - Fire hydrant installations — System design, installation and commissioning
- AS 3740: 2021 - Waterproofing of domestic wet areas
- AS/NZS 4234: 2021 - Heated water systems — Calculation of energy consumption
- AS 5216:2021 - Design of post-installed and cast-in fastenings in concrete
- AIRAH-DA07:2021 - Criteria for moisture control design analysis in buildings
- FPAA101D:2021 - Automatic Fire Sprinkler System Design and Installation — Drinking Water Supply
- NSF/ ANSI/ CAN 372: 2020 - Drinking Water System Components - Lead Content
Additionally, the new AS/NZS2845.3:2021 - Backflow prevention devices - Field testing and maintenance of testable devices also comes into effect with the new PCA (as a secondary referenced document under AS/NZS3500.1:2021).
The new AS/NZS2845.3:2021 introduces new testing procedures that will come into effect with the new PCA, this means you will no longer be able to test to the 2010 version of the standard.
The Plumbing Code of Australia can be access via:
MPAQ members have free access to ten industry relevant Australian Standards – These can viewed, downloaded and printed at