Upskill your Work Health & Safety Knowledge

As part of Safe Work month, it is important to remind your employees about the importance of workplace health and safety.
Did you know that MPAQ offer a range of FREE online core skills courses for you and your employees to complete? These courses are fully subsidised, for businesses that have less than 20 employees. The online training has a range of core skills courses, designed to support situational awareness and enhance an individual’s ability to get a job done. They cover a wide variety of skills across workplace health and safety, business administration, personal development and teamwork.
As part of your company’s safety awareness your employees should complete the workplace health and safety courses during Safe Work month.
Each course takes approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete, and you receive a certificate of completion at the end of the course.
The courses cover the following areas:
Workplace Health and Safety courses:
- Fire Safety
- Manual handling
- Office Ergonomics
- Risk Management
- Silica Dust Awareness
- Working in hot and cold environments
- Asbestos Awareness
Business Administration courses:
- Cyber Security Awareness
- Social Media Etiquette
- Basic Estimating and Calculating at Work
- Using Digital Technology in the Workplace
- Basic Workplace Mathematics
- Writing Basic Workplace Documents
Personal Development courses:
- Self Development
- Preparing For Learning at Work
- Participate in a Learning Environment
- Use Basic Reading and Writing Skills at Work
Working in a Team courses:
- How to Respond to Problems in the Workplace
- Interact Effectively in the Workplace
- Teamwork
- Communicating in a professional environment
For more information and to sign up for these FREE online courses please click on the link below:
Contact MPAQ Training on 07 3273 0800 or e-mail for further information.