Starting an Apprenticeship

How do you start a career in plumbing and drainage?

Career in Plumbing and Drainage

Option 1: Certificate II in Plumbing

  • Undertake Certificate II in Plumbing with a Registered Training Organisation - Certificate II in Plumbing Services | TAFE Queensland
  • Do 80 hours of work placement with a business (unpaid)
  • This is a good option to get a feel for plumbing and see if it’s a good fit for you

Option 2 Banner

Option 2: Sign up to a school-based apprenticeship

  • Find an employer who is willing to hire you as a school-based apprentice (paid)
  • Work part-time of at least 7.5 hours a week, averaged over every 3 months, for every 12 months of training contract
  • Undertake Certificate III in Plumbing during the apprenticeship (currently fee-free under TAFE)
  • Earn while you learn, being paid for each working day with the employer

Option 3 Banner

Option 3: Sign up to a full-time apprenticeship upon completion of schooling

  • You can start an apprenticeship at any time!
  • Possible mature age apprenticeship

Finding an employer that will hire you as an apprentice

1. School Networks
Your school can set up a network of businesses who are willing to take students on for work experience or as apprentices.

2. MPAQ Careers Portal
Post your resume on Resume Listings and check out companies advertising on the Jobs Board

Post your resume

3. Find a Plumber Portal
Find a licensed plumber on the MPAQ portal, which you can filter by location. Give them a call to check if they are keen to take an apprentice.

Ring a Plumbing Business

MPAQ Platinum Corporate Supporters

CAROMA - Platinum Corporate Supporter
TSTCA - Platinum Corporate Supporter
Austbrokers Comsure - Platinum Corporate Supporter
Toyota - Platinum Corporate Supporter
RWC - Platinum Corporate Supporter
ZIP - Platinum Corporate Supporter
Reece - Platinum Corporate Supporter
Tradelink - Platinum Corporate Supporter
WFI - Platinum Corporate Supporter
Kembla  - Platinum Corporate Supporter
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