
Work Contract - Contract for Domestic Works - Full Package (Digital)


  Discounted pricing is available for members. Please log in to view member pricing.

The full package includes contracts and relevant inclusions for the value of the contracts being:

Under $3,300

$3,301 - $19,999

$20,000 or greater

Each of the contracts for Domestic work can be used when completing a once-off job for a client on domestic property. The relevant contract to use will depend on the total cost of the work to be performed. Please allow up to 3 business days to receive your contract once ordered.

MPAQ Contracting members receive a discounted price. Please log in prior to adding this item to your shopping cart. Those in associate categories and non-members are subject to the full product prices.

Please allow 2-3 business days to receive your contract once ordered. 

  • Description

    The contracts for Domestic works – full package, will be emailed via dropbox to the person who has purchased the contract. The contracts provide relevant documents that are suitable for the cost of the work to be performed.  

    MPAQ review the contracts regularly and update accordingly. If updates are required, the contract will need to be purchased again.

  • When to use a contract for Domestic Works

    The Contract for Domestic Works is to be used for the supply of plumbing services by a plumbing business to a client in a domestic property and the whole package provides for the total cost of works for under and over $3,300.  

    One Contract for Domestic Works is to be completed per client, per job for that specific client. These contracts are suitable for businesses operating in Queensland.

  • Inclusions

    Each contract comes with:

    • Client Information Sheet

    • Works Schedule

    • Terms and Conditions

    • Checklist

    • Variation Notices  

    • Waiver Notice

  • Eligibility

    MPAQ Contracting members receive a discounted price. Please log in prior to adding this item to your shopping cart. Those in associate categories and non-members are subject to the full product prices.
    Please allow 2-3 business days to receive your contract once ordered.

  • Disclaimer

    Whilst all care has been taken to ensure the accuracy, completeness and currency of this template, MPAQ does not warrant that the document is suitable for your specific purposes. You should seek legal advice as to the suitability of this document for your particular circumstances. MPAQ does not accept any liability arising from your use of the template. This form is for the sole use of the business stated. Unauthorised use or copying is strictly prohibited and constitutes an infringement of intellectual property rights belonging to Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland. Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland is not liable for any claims which may arise from unauthorized use of this form. 

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